Steve Says:
It's official: Lori and I are just friends.
I feel like a bit of a loser posting this on here, when other people have enough tact and sense of privacy to be more vague about things and just tell their close friends in person when things like this happen, but I don't have anyone any more that I feel comfortable sitting down and having these types of serious conversations with. That doesn't mean that some of you aren't great friends, it just means we're not that kind of friend. In fact that's basically why we broke up: She used to be that for me. We were best friends, which led to more than that... eventually we stopped being friends and tried for the longest time to hold on to the other--in retrospect, far less important--parts of the relationship.
The funny thing is I think we feel closer to each other now than we did when we were together. I love her. I always will, and I know she feels the same way. I realize now that it's possible to love another human so deeply and not be lovers. We'll always be a part of each others lives, and for that I'm grateful.
Who knows where my life goes now... wherever it is, I look forward to it.
I was explaining to Josh last night that I'm the type of guy that in role-playing games, I go out and gain experience points for hours before I fight bosses. I'm not going up against dude unless I know I can slap him around like a red-headed step-child. This is what I'm doing right now. I'm leveling up. I don't know where the damned boss is yet, or how to get to him, all I can do is prepare for him and look for my Ultimate Weapons, eh.
Thanks for listening to me, and thanks for being there for me--and by there I mean in your chair, reading this.
PS I feel like I should wish Lori luck and all that good stuff so as not to look selfish, but the truth is we're going to be there for each other more than we have been in years, so I'll be able to help her out all the time. I guess I should wish her luck in figuring out what's next for her as well. We've been together so long it's going to be a very new experience, and I hope it's an enriching one.
Thanks again.
by TagBoard